Wednesday, March 23, 2005

a new conversation

all good relationships start with a good conversation. thanks for joining in this conversation. if this is your first time to conversations at the real zoo, welcome. we are excited that you have found us. one of the greatest ways to learn about the life is to ask questions and listen. so let's begin with a good question: how do we begin to ask honest questions about God without trying to answer them?


@MarionTiger said...

Or here's another question: Why ask at all?

CMD said...

Because discovery only comes through digging, asking questions.

So here's one:
Do you really think God forgets all of the hurtful things we do to others if we own up to our mistakes?

mdwinn said...

who can truly know the mind of God, May be being really honest with ourselves means acknowledging our actions good or bad then following through by being real and honest with those who were impacted by our actions. So a deeper question might be how can I deal with the hurtful things I have done to others?