collision....point of impact
What happens in a collision? What is the most intense point of impact? It is the point at which two moving masses impact into one. I think our point of impact is Love. Collaborating in creative outward expressions of Love, we engage the shattered and broken opening the door to the Merciful One who is restoring all things, and in so doing we join the deep streams of healing that flow on earth as they are in Heaven.
When the poets and the musicians celebrate together, all of creation turns its ear to hear the divine harmony. Who can resist the melody of faith, hope, and love? We stand together putting all our trust in the Father of all families knowing that he is stretching the cords of his great tent. This invisible tent stretches across generations of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, across cultural traditions, and geographical boundaries.
The Winn Family, a people of the Real Zoo, has joined hands and hearts with the people of Crash to form one community of faith.
The project of the Real Zoo is not ours but rather is guided by the One who is the Breath of Life. The truth is mobile. It goes wherever we find ourselves. Our faith is not based on our location but rather where our hearts reside. Through what can only be explained as divine intervention our location will transition from Tallahassee to Panama City (June) and finally to the Island of Hawaii (Jan-Feb 07). I guess you could say we have made the jump, we are selling all our possessions, leaving our successful careers, in order to “go.”
The pieces are beginning to fall into place. The shape of God’s project looks like a creative community of families living under one converted warehouse roof in order to share in the incredible story of love and hope expressed locally to the people of downtown Honolulu, but still reaching far beyond the island because of the transient nature of the culture and people.
This is a new chapter in the book of Life. We are so excited just to be invited to sow into a new expression of love. May we look with eyes of faith and hear with ears of compassion to the hearts of all that might enter into the narrative of Restoration.
Michael, I'm not sure of a word that describes how I feel about what's happening with you guys. Some words that help: joy, excitement, anticipation. Also a real sense of the big picture. I mean, BIG picture. Kingdom stuff. Yay!!! and Amen. :)
You write with such eloquence! I must say I am envious of your ability to flow so smoothly with the written word. Point of impact is such a great verbal picture, and one that we use often in our CRASH discussions. Have you read "The Barbarian Way" by Erwin McManus? You definitely should. It will shed more light on all that God is doing with you, your family and ours. Can't wait to see you all soon!
Brian -
Great book - "The Barbarian Way". A buddy delivered it to me a couple of years ago. It was awesome. Ranks right up there with "Wild at Heart", "The Priestly Bride" and a handful of others...
Michael -
I am so excited for you guys. What a "Kairos" moment - a critical moment of impact and importance, specifically and ideally designed for a move, change, revelation, shift...
WOW, dude. Can't wait to see how this comes out. I know it will be awesome, knowing Daddy. Just like so many in the past, you may not know what it will all mean until you actually uproot and step out, but I will bet it will be awesome.
Praying for you, Darla and the family.
Michael, Michael, Michael. You and Darla keep showing me the awesome life that complete surrender can bring. My heart and prayers are with you as the Zoo people collide and merge with Crash. What can I do to help??
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